RMRRF and development update
I spent this past weekend at the Rocky Mountain RepRap Festival. Last year I was only able to make it for one day so it was nice to be there for the whole weekend this time. Could have done without the snow though. I received a ton of positive feedback, which always helps with motivation. Below was my setup, note a picture like this will always overexpose the lithos.
Speaking of development I actually have done a ton of work and the next update will be huge. I have cut down processing speed by 90% so images that were taking 2-3 minutes before are testing out at about 10 seconds now. This means I can allow user selected litho sizes without 5 minute time out worries. The other item I’m working on is better matching for light skin tones. I think I have made some improvements but I want to see if I can improve more before the next release. Below is a snapshot of my current development page. The final will be different but just wanted to give some hints where I’m going.
As for timing I’m not completely sure. I really wanted it out before rmmrf but obviously that didn’t happen. I hope in the next few weeks, definitely before the Midwest Reprap Festival, which I will also be attending.